Friday, 17 July 2015

RULES Every Super Mom Must Have To Prevent Chaos During This Holiday

H O L I D A Y is coming, holiday is coming, no more morning bell, no more teacher weep.... Still remember! Hihihihihihi

I guess you all remember this school matching song especially those of us who schooled right here in Nigeria. It is usually sang while matching back to the class from the assembly ground and when pupils sing this song it means they have written all their examination for that term.

Pupils sing this song extremely loud and happily as what comes to their mind is HOLIDAY!
Who doesn't like holiday? Its is a period of rest from morning rush, playing with friends, traveling to grandparents, relations or other countries, parties here and there, outdoor activities and so on.

Holidays are period everybody look forward to either you are young or old.

Guess what! This is not mid-term break or public holiday, but it is the end of session holiday. Its usually called the Summer Break and it is a very long holiday that last for two months or even more depending on the school....

Two months is a long period of staying at home without definite rules, schedules or plans for your children. Most children will be left to watch movies unsupervised, play intensively like their life depend on it and forget every bit of what they have been thought in school by their teachers, pick up bad behaviors and attitude, learn and be influenced into doing so many bad things.

Its also a time when mothers have to do a lot of shouting, screaming, punishing, running around to meet up children's need, laugh really hard, spank when shouting seems not to work, play when they don't feel like it, cook and also cajole their children to eat. After a very busy day, at night, they are tired and worn out.

This holiday will be a different one if you decide to act the way a Super mom would. Don't forget as a mother of your child/children you are the captain in this particular boat(Summer Holiday), so set up rules that must be obeyed...
The rules should be written or typed out boldly and place where your children can easily see them.
Some of rules are


Greet mummy and daddy as soon as you wake up.


Make your bed


Brush you teeth and move to the dinning table.


Clear the dinning table.


Go to your bedroom pick a storybook and read(If your child can't read, he/she can picture read)


No rough play, screaming, and fighting.


No using of dis respective word on each other.


Take your bath and look clean every time.


Must participate in all educational activities.

RULE #10

Clear up all the toys before going to bed.

All these rules are to be enforced by you(Super mom) and its will be easier if you make it look like what its. Your children must be told there is a reward everyday for obeying all the rules and also punishment for not disobedient of any of the rules.

The reward could be a special outing with mom/dad, a chocolate, ice cream or wearing a crown as a crowned prince or princess throughout the next day.

You will be surprise at the effort your children will put to make sure they obey all your rules.
In as much as you are the captain and they have to play by your rules this holiday period, don't forget to give them hugs, smiles, take them for outings and also tell them how much you are blessed and happy to have as your Super kids.
Thereby making you earn the Super mom medal(a mom who is on top of her game).

Note: You can add more rules based on the ages.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the advice

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the. Advise but my first child is two yrs old and she seems not to understand all these. What can I do pls? Thank u

Super Kids said...

You are welcome Super you

Super Kids said...
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Super Kids said...

Well I think you underestimate your two years old.... She understand pretty well. I guess your lips says "stop that" and your face says another.... Speak to her and mean it when you do. Give your child eye contact and don't forget to do it with love.