Monday, 3 August 2015

Fine Motor Skills for Toddler: Scribbling and drawing

 Scribbling and drawing
Scribbling has been described as a types of ‘motor babbling’ and as the child matures, the forms that arise from scribbling gradually become transformed into printing and writing.
— Craig, G., Kermis, M. & Digdon, N., Children today, 2nd Ed. (2001)

At age between 12 and 18 months, a toddler will start trying to write. A toddler attempt writing by making marks on any paper or book at their reach not minding how important its to you. All they want to do is write. They may likely thrill you by drawing a circle, an imperfect horizontal or vertical lines between age 18 and 24.

This is the point where a Supermom or teacher take advantage to encourage and work on the child's fine motor skills using what the child likes to do. Giving your toddler crayons to draw has to do with fine motor skills such as holding and grasping which help to boost the visual acumen of your child and their imaginations.

The crayon helps the child to create a precise picture and also allow him/her to be personally involve because its more of fun than work.
pincer grip
The pincer grip usually appears between 12 months. The ability to grasp and manipulate an object between the thumb and forefinger (index finger) is achieved through the development of pincer grip.

Things needed; Cardboard paper, crayon(bright colours), table(child size) and tape.

Place the cardboard paper on a table, tape it to the table and you are do setting the platform for the artist and writer in the making. Give your child the crayon to start scribbling and drawing...

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